Christmas Colors Patch


Christmas Colors Patch


Based on the feedback and testing from our Discord channel, we are increasing the number of colors in blocks back from 3 to 4. This change should help increase the viability of chain setups by reducing the chance of accidental clears. This version was first made available to our experimental game build, which can be accessed in the Steam Properties page of Spaera. Moving forward, we will be making changes quickly on the experimental build to get feedback. If you would like to be a part of this process, please join the Discord and have some discourse!

Game System Changes

  • There are now four potential block colors that can show up in pieces.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed misc. bugs that were causing crashes.
  • Fixed personal leaderboards not displaying records properly

UI Update

  • Updated the UI for Online Mode selection to match Story Mode UI.

About BlazingOrb

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